
SFIT college app

Android application for St. Francis Institute of Technology. App is for students and teachers with modern material UI.

Hotel management system

Semester 5 Web Development Lab Mini Project.This projects aims to create a full fleged hotel management system which can be further scaled as per requirement. It includes a modern responsive UI bui...

Steam Market Tracker

An android app to track steam market item prices. Created in flutter. Allows user to add his own steam items to keep track.

Mock Website

A mock website showcasing login/signup forms, pinterest like gallery, amazon like e-commerce showcase and about me page.


My Arch linux configuration files, specifically for i3 window manager.

Exam marks confirmation

Semester 5 java mini project which allows students to fill their internal exam marks themselves

Meme Generator

A basic meme generator using react and random images.

To-Do App

A basic todo web app using introductory React

Php product manager

A simple php project. Includes a prime number generator withing given range and product manager using ajax

Home Page

A home page design website using vanilla html, css.


Algorithms in C for generating basic patterns

Building database applications in PHP

This repository includes course files for the - Building database applications in php Coursera. Includes assignments for week2, week4 and week5.Main CRUD application in week5